Algal Biofuel : a Viable Option or NOT - Saikat Das || Scientific Article || Article ||
Algal Biofuel : a Viable Option or NOT
Saikat Das
The awareness that fossil fuels are rapidly exhausting, may be accelerated the need for an alternative energy source that is renewable, cost effective, and eco-friendly . The condition has been impaired by global warming which has brought it home to all that there is an urge to reduce man’s carbon foot print and conservation of energy on the other hand. The unsteadiness in the regions from which the fossil fuels are obtained is the reason for worry. High prices may reject it in some economically weak countries so better alternative is required. In addition to algal biofuel , other option for alternative and renewable source of energy do exist and they include wind and solar energy. But, there is no exact replacement of current fossil fuels but in future there may be some better alternative like algal biofuels which may be an exact replacement for the purpose. The planktons and microalgae are preferred generally for production of lipids ,although macro algae or seaweeds are commercially valuable due to food ingredients making omega 3 fatty acids , bio-plastic , pharmaceuticals, chemical feedstock ,fertilizer but not for lipids .Biofuel is not at all new in the market there are some available plant bio resources from which biofuel has been extracted earlier such as palm-oil ,corn , soybeans , but Jatropha is biofuel yielding as well as feedstock plant so there comes the question whether we must use the edible plant or not for biofuel extraction.
Algae particularly the species for the production of lipid, is not opposing as a food stock. Biodiesel can be extracted from the biological sources which are renewable
Like animal fats and vegetable oils .The pure form of biodiesel is B100 and this can be used singly or in combination with petrodiesel at appropriate concentrations .The most appropriate answer for the question why microscopic algae is suitable for biofuel production is that microscopic alga like Botryococcus braunii ,Chlorella sp. and many other species which are utilized because of their high energy and growth rate and hence high oil yield . The algae can double the biomass and in some circumstances it may contain huge amount of triglycerides ,which is common in vegetable oil . The DOE (Department of Energy, US) has reported that algae can yield 30 times more energy per acre than land crops such as soybeans. In addition, to keep the environment clean and free from pollution, these algae feed on CO2 ,a waste product from fossil fuel combustion and a donor to global warming, to produce lipids for biodiesel fuels .This study is interesting and important for extracting and growing algal biomass for biodiesel recovery from it. The application of microscopic algae for biofuels production can also serve other drives. Some choices presently being considered are elimination of CO2, may reduce GHG emissions by fuel gases from industries by algal bio-fixation, reducing the carbon emission of a company or process while producing biodiesel .Treatment of wastewater by removal of Ammonium ion ,Nitrate ion ,and Phosphate ion , the growth of algal biomass is eased by making algae to grow by utilizing these contaminants of water as the nutrients for developing more algal biomass. After the extraction of oil, the biomass of algae can serve as a substrate for processing methane,ethanol,livestock feed, organic fertilizer due to a good value of nitrogen and phosphorus ratio or it can be burned for the energy generation too. According to the less requirements of nutrients and the continued development in tough environment the microalgae can be grown in the locations which are not appropriate for agriculture and it can be grown on wastewater instead of fresh water.
Algae fuel is among main candidate for renewable energy sources that are estimated to substitute the rapidly depleting sources of fossil fuel. The seaweeds or macroscopic alga, appropriate for other marketable values but not for making lipids .By consuming carbon dioxide, an useless product of fossil fuel burning and a source to global warming. Along with biodiesel fuel and lipid production algae keeps the environment clean and does not give out any toxic waste. For luxurious growth and plenty harvest the light, temperature range, depth of water and nutrient composition must be appropriate to support the exact algal species for being cultivated. The open pond and closed system are methods of algal culture .The open pond method is of low price than closed system photo bioreactor. For the best results in production, utilizing photo bioreactor as the interim to exchange one volume of liquid must be equal to the time to double the bulk of the algae. When algae matures, the harvesting is done using micro-screens, flocculation, centrifugation and froth flotation methods. Along with mechanical process certain chemical solvents can also be used for the extraction of oil from algal biomass. Algae is the best candidate among other biological resources for the extraction of oil due to high oil yield and that will be best in implementing it as biofuel after required technological modifications.
*Informations collected from:*
• A Report on Commercial Usage and Production of Algal Oil
• A Sober Look at Biofuels from Algae (Biodiesel Magazine)
• US National Renewable Energy Laboratory Publications
• Current Status and Potential for Algal Biofuels Production
• “Biodiesel from Algae”, Oilgae, [Online] 2013. Available: (Accessed: 31 October, 2013)