𝗧𝗛𝗘 đ—Ŗ𝗜𝗔𝗡đ—ĸ - Samima YeYea || Novel || English Novel

 đ—§đ—›đ—˜ đ—Ŗ𝗜𝗔𝗡đ—ĸ

Samima YeYea


                       đ—–đ—›đ—”đ—Ŗ𝗧𝗘đ—Ĩ - 1

If it weren't for that seven years ago, I probably would not be here today. I have not forgotten anything, I still remember everything. My only mistake has changed my whole life. But today I am standing in a place I never expected.

Mr. Akash  - I said.

You may not believe me but it is true. You wanted to know so I'm telling you.

' I always trust you ' - He said.

I went to school when I was sixteen.  It was 2003. I was neither good nor bad in studies. I spent most of the time with my friends.

I used to go to school by school bus at 10:00 a.m. My mother used to pack tiffin for me everyday. I never ate it alone, I used to have a lot of fun with all my friends. We are four friends - me , Tina , Khushi , Shreya. Shreya was the most stylish girl in the whole class and Tina was always studying. But Khushi was almost like me. Anyway the friendship between us was quite good.

My brother and I went to the same school. Me, my parents and my brother lived in a small town. Our house was two-storied and there was a fountain in front of it that was incredibly beautiful. I lived upstairs. My room was decorated with pink colour and flowers. There was a piano on the lower porch. I used to play it every evening. My grandpa bought it for me when I was younger and he taught me to play the piano. But he died when I was 10 years old. 

One evening I was playing the piano. Suddenly I heard a voice. Again I started playing the piano and ignored it. Then I heard a different sound again and I ran to the kitchen. 

' Mom ,  what are you doing ? '  - I said.

' Julie,  my dear daughter please don't bother me,  now I am cooking. '  She said.

' Can I help you mom ? ' I said.

' Of course,  arrange food on the table.  Your father will come right away from office. '

Then I served food at the table.  And I went out to see if my father had come. Dad did not come but I saw a bird that was injured. I took the bird inside and put him in a basket and gave him some food to eat.

' Julie,  my dear daughter. ' My dad said.

' Dad '.  I said and I ran and hugged him.

' Close your eyes Julie, I have something for you. ' He said.  Then I closed my eyes.

' 1..2..3.. now open your eyes. '  He said and I open my eyes.  

' Wow,  what a beautiful bracelet ! '  I said.  Then someone called from behind, ' Didn't you bring something for me,  father ? '

He was none other than my younger brother named Ayan. Then dad replied that ' I forgot to bring something for your. ' After hearing this, Ayan started crying. Then he smiled and said ' I was joking. Look what I bring for you. '

Then dad gave him a small wooden horse with various designs on it. Ayan was very happy to get it and started playing.

' The food is ready, come quickly. ' Mom said. Then we all ate dinner together.

After dinner I sat down to play the piano. Because I like playing the piano a lot. Even to its tune I find the love of my grandfather. I was playing the piano for about half a hour. I can hear the same sound today as yesterday. I noticed who was calling me by my name. I was very scared and went outside and saw. But there was no one outside. It is now 9:00 pm on the clock and I am wearing a long frock. I started playing the piano again. After a while I stopped playing the piano and went to my room and fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning and saw that the bird was not in the basket. Then I saw the bird sitting next to me. I wondered how it got here. Anyway, I went downstairs and had breakfast. Today I thought I would take the bird to school and show it to my friends. When I was ready to go to school, my shirt got stuck on the piano. It seems someone hindering me. But I got rid of it and quickly took the school bus. I went to the school and saw that the class had started. So the teacher did not allow me to enter the class. I sat on the school garden bench and took the bird out of the bag. I talked to him for a while and the bird was quietly listening to me. The class was ended and I showed the bird to my friends.

' what is the name of this bird ? ' they said to me. I thought and named the bird cutie.




                      𝗖𝗛𝗔đ—Ŗ𝗧𝗘đ—Ĩ - 𝟮

It's nine o'clock at night. Now I am doing the homework given by the school teacher. Then I heard someone calling me from downstairs. I went downstairs and saw that mom was preparing food on the table.

' I've been calling since, can't you hear ? Come, eat quickly. ' Mom said.

' I was studying. where are my dad ? ' - I said.

' Your dad is out for work and won't be home for two days. ' She said.

Dad is out for work most of the time. He is an architect. So he has to travel to different places. After dinner I went to the room and screamed. An unknown man is in my room. I was leaving the room immediately but he grabbed me and squeezed my mouth. Then I saw him for the first time, handsome, smart, good looking, and I looked at him for a while. His forehead was covered with hair, and a belt on his head and he wear a brown coat.

' who are you ? what are you doing here ? ' I asked him.

' You brought me here. ' he said.

' When did I bring you home and why ? You are a stranger. '

' I am the bird you saved. '

I was surprised and said ' how is this possible ? You must be lying. '

' No! I am telling the truth. I can only take human form in front of you but became a bird in front of others. '

Then someone knocked on the door.

' Open the door quickly. '- My mom said and I opened the door.

' What happened ? why are you shouting ? ' She said.

Then I looked back but he was not.

' Nothing happened, there was a lizard in the room so I got scared. ' - I said.

' crazy girl! go to bed early. '

' Do you believe me now ? ' He asked suddenly and I was shocked.

' Yes! you were not there when mom came. ' I said.

' I was but then I became a bird. ' He said.

'Why does this happen to you? ' I asked him.

' A few days ago, I went to hunt in the forest and shot a bird. But he was a monk and he cursed me that I would spend the rest of my life as a bird. Then I apologized to him a lot and he said to me, " who helps you in danger will free you from the curse. " After saying this, he died. '

I felt very bad hearing these words and said ' I believe in you and I pray that you became like before. '

' what is your name ? '

I asked.

' You named me cutie. '

I was a little embarrassed by his answer. Then he smiled and said ' my name is Aryan but the name "cutie" is also beautiful, I like it. You can also also call me cutie. '

I felt more ashamed. Then he asked my name.

'My name is Julie.' I said.

' Nice name, okay! I am going now. '

And he flew away through the window. Then I started to see out the window until he disappeared.

' Good morning! wake up. '

' I am getting up after five minutes mom. please don't bother me, let me sleep. '

' Did not you sleep all night yesterday ? So you are sleeping now. ' mom said.

' No! I slept all night yesterday. '

' You are lying! You played the piano all night yesterday, I heard I. '

I was surprised and thought I did not play the piano last night but mom says she heard the sound of the piano playing. How is this possible ? I had no answer. so I kept quiet. I came downstairs and see that the piano is open but I remember I closed it last night. Then I go to the piano in fear and touched its switches. I'm thinking a little too much, maybe tomorrow my mom's ears were ringing. Otherwise, the piano never plays on its own.

Anyway, forgetting all this, I started thinking about Aryan.

' What are you thinking ? Have breakfast early. Today your dad left the office early in the morning for important work. '

' Oh! '

' I packed your tiffin. Put it in bag. And your brother has fever today so he can't go to school. '

' Ok mom. I will buy medicine when I come home from school. '

Now school is not as fun as before. My friends have become very boring now. Today the first bench was completely empty so I sat there. The teachers asked to the students sitting on the first bench to read. So no one wants to sit here. Today is Amit sir's economics class. Oops! No. Sir gave us home work but I forgot to do it.

' Hey! Did you bring home work ? please help me. '

' Okay! Take my notebook and you will get all the answers here. '

Thank you!

Tina always help me. I am so lucky that I got such a friend. Then sir came to class.

' Hello! students. How are you ? ' Sir said.

' We are fine, Sir. '

Sir did not see homework today and sir teach us the   ' Money and Banking ' chapter of Economics. After class, all my friends come to me and gathered.

' Hey! Julie. Where is cutie ? ' They said.

Cutie is not with me, he has returned to his home. '

' OH! '

' Hey! girls. Let's play basketball today. It will be a lot of fun. ' Khushi said. '

' Yes, let's go. ' 

We all go to the playground together. We are a group of five girls and there are five boys in the other group. Akash can play the best among the boys. But today I will not let him win.

The game begin and the first round we won. Then some time is given for rest.

' Hey! loser, where are you going ? How you feel to lose ? ' I said to Akash.

' I will win this match. Enjoy now because this smile will not be there later. ' He said to me.

I am very angry at the moment . Let's see I will win. The second round has started but they won it. Then they also won the third round. And only the last round left. Either way, we have to win. The last round has started.

' Shreya, catch the ball. ' I said.

But instead Akash caught it and unfortunately we lost the match. Then all the boys  started calling us losers. And Akash came to me and said :

' I said I would win and that's it. ' But I remained silent. Then he said, ' and you don't have to lose again and again because I won't be here  anymore.

' why ? ' I said.

' I am going to paris and I will study from there. '

' Yes, why are you telling me these things ?

I will be fine if you leave. '

' If you are really good I will leave tomorrow. ' He said.

I don't understand why he said that. Anyway, I don't need to listen to these words.

' Hey! Julie, let's go home. ' Tina said to me.

' You go, I have a little work to do. '

' Ok. bye! '

I went to the drug store and bought medicine and stood on the street for a long time. A taxi hasn't arrived yet. So I was forced to go through the jungle. Sometimes I am afraid to go because I have heard that there are tigers in this forest. I was moving slowly. Suddenly I hear a terrible sound and started running quickly. I see two tigers standing in  front of me and I am shocked to see them. They are coming towards me and I closed my eyes in fear.


                          𝗖𝗛𝗔đ—Ŗ𝗧𝗘đ—Ĩ - đŸ¯

After a while I opened my eyes and saw that two tigers were dead.

' Are you alright ? ' Someone said and I am shocked. Then I see my "cutie".

' Cutie! ' I said.

' Oh! I am sorry, Aryan. '

' It's ok. But you can also call me Cutie. '

I felt a little embarrassed and looked at him shyly but he was also looking at me.

Then he said, ' what are you doing alone in this jungle ? what would have happened to you if I hadn't come on time ? '

' Thank you! ' I said.

You are by my side, so I don't have any tension. ' I mistakenly said.

' I mean I couldn't take a taxi today so I came through the jungle. '

' Do you live here ? ' I asked him.

' No! '

' So what are you doing here ? where is your home ? ' I asked again.

' I have my palace just a short walk way. '

' Palace! ' I said fascinated.

' Won't you show me your palace ? ' I asked with fun.

' Yes! let's go. ' He said to me.

' No.. no! I will go later, I have to go home. ' Then he took the form of a bird and flew away.

After coming home, I sat down to play the piano. And I started thinking about him ; How he saved me and then how he hugged me. Does he like me? I don't know but I love him so much. But he is a bird and I am a girl. when he will be free from the curse? Anyway, I will love him because I don't care that he is human or unhuman, I will still love him.

I was so engrossed in his thoughts that I had no idea when I stopped playing the piano. Suddenly I was surprised to see that. It's looks like someone is pressing the switch but there was no one without me so I screamed. 

' Mom! please come. '

' What happened ? Why are you shouting so much? '

' Mom, the piano was playing automatically. '

' How is that possible? You are crazy. ' Mom told me.

' No! I am telling the truth. '

' I think the piano is too old so these switches are destroyed. ' My mom said.

' Maybe. ' I thought and ignored it.

Today I don't spend as much time on the piano as on other days. I went to the room very early for sleep. But today I can't sleep so I sat near the window. Today's weather is very pleasant. Then suddenly someone put his hand on my shoulder. And I turned around in shock.

' Hey! you, I was very scared, ' I said.

' What do you think? ' Aryan said.

' I was thinking about you so I can't sleep. ' I mistakenly said to him.

' Do you like to fly? ' He said.

' Yeah, But I can't fly like you. '

' Why are thinking? I'm here. I'll put you on my back. '

' wow! '

' Let's go. ' He said.

Then he took me on his back and jumped out the window but we didn't fall.

We have risen so high that it seems like I can touch the moon with my hand. It was great to see the whole world from above. Every moment was so beautiful I will never forget it. Then we descend a hill. It was late at night so the stars were shining in the sky. I sat down next to him and put my head on his shoulder. I thought I would tell him of my heart's thoughts but I was afraid if he would not accept me. Then after much courage I grabbed his hand and said:

' Aryan, I love you so much. I have no words to say how much I love you. When you are not with me, I look at the moon in the sky and I imagine you are looking at me too. Look, today's moon looks very beautiful. I'm not forcing you to tell me if you don't like me. '

'Julie, I love you too. I can't live without you. ' He said.

Then he kissed on my forehead and hugged me. This moment was so beautiful and I thought if this time stood still for a while.

' Aryan, what is the name of your parents? ' I asked him. And his answer was full of pain.

' My parents are not in this world. ' He said.

' I'm sorry, Aryan. Please don't cry. '

Then he asked me: ' What are your parent's name. '

I smiled and said, ' My dad, Asim Mondol, he is a great architecture and my mom, Eda Mondol, she is a housewife '.

Hey! will you come to our house one day? I said to him.

' Why? ' He said.

' I want you to meet my mom. And I will show you one thing. '

' What will show me? ' He said.

' You've seen it once. Come to our home and take another look. '

' ok. '

' It's going to be dawn, let's go home, my mom will go crazy not to see me at home. '

Then he took me on his back again.

' How it felt to fly? ' He asked me.

' Looked so beautiful, I will never forget this moment. '

Then he kissed on my cheek and left and I said loudly:

' Tomorrow must come, I will wait for you. '




                        𝗖𝗛𝗔đ—Ŗ𝗧𝗘đ—Ĩ - 𝟰

The alarm is sounding. I turned off the alarm and went back to sleep. After 5 minutes I realized that Aryan would came today and I have been sleeping for so long. So I woke up early. Then I came down after washing my hand and face. Mom is preparing breakfast at the table.

'Julie, I made sandwiches of you, eat quickly. ' Mom said to me.

This is the best time to tell mom about Aryan. Although my mom is my best friend, now I am being afraid to say.

' Mom, I'll lell you something, please listen carefully. ' I said.

' Yes, tell me. '

' Mom, a few days ago I met a boy. His name is Aryan and I love him. He's a good hearted person. '

' I knew it. ' Mom said to me and I'm surprised to hear this.

' How do you know? ' I asked anxiously.

' I saw your face and understood. For a few days I am seeing you that you have been sitting alone smiling, thinking alone, I understood from seeing all this. '

' Oh! '

I was scared for a while thinking that maybe my mother found out about Aryan's secret but hearing this answer cleared my mind. Because I don't want to say my mom that Aryan is a half human and half bird. I know that if  mom knew this, mom would never accept it.

Then I smiled and said, ' Today I invited him to our home. '

' This is very good news, I am so excited. ' Mom said excitedly.

The calling bell rang. I thought maybe there is Aryan, so I ran to open the door. But he was not Aryan, he was my dad.

' Today is office holiday, so I came home early. ' Dad said.

' Why ? ' Mom said.

' Today is my boss's  birthday so today was a holiday. I forgot it. '

' Oh! '

' So dad, let's watch the movie today, it will be a lot of fun. ' Ayan said.

' That's fine, but I'm going to tell you something very important today. ' Dad said to us.

' There is good news for Julie.

' Today my boss invited me to his house. But it's not just for birthday parties. You remember one day I took Julie to the office. That day the boss saw Julie and he wants to marry Julie to his son. His son will come from America today. He has a very big business in America and he is very intelligent. And he will come here and open a company. He is now a successful businessman. And I heard his character is so good. He hasn't pursued a girl till date because he is always busy with work. If he marries Julie then there will be a lot of happiness and her future will change. I agree with my boss's decision. '

After hearing this I was surprised for a while. Then I looked at my mom with sorrowful tears. Before mom could speak to my dad, someone called from behind.

' Hello! ' someone said to us. Then I turned around and saw Aryan standing there. I was very happy to see that.

' Who are you? ' Dad said to him.

' Hello! nice to meet you, please come. ' Mom said to him. Then my mom told dad everything and my dad became very angry.

' I didn't expect it from you, Julie. ' Dad said to me.

'' I am sorry dad but I love him and he is a very good hearted person.''

Then we all sat in chairs and mom served tea to Aryan. But he was a little embarrassed.

Then my dad asked him: ' what are your parents ' names and what do they do? '

' My parents are not in this world and I do not even know the name of my parents. '

Hearing this and my dad got up and left.

' You guys talk, I am coming right now. ' Mom said.

' I don't think I should have come here. Forgive me Julie! Your father scolded you because of me. '

' Aryan! it is not your fault. And my father is a soft hearted person. I will adjust father, don't worry. '

Anyway this time we are alone. And I am looking at him and he is looking at me too.

' What? ' He said.

' Nothing. ' I smiled at him.

' You said you would show me one thing. ' He said to me.

' Oh! I forgot about it, let's come on. '

' Wow ! Do you play the piano? '

' I love playing the piano. ' I said.

' But I don't know how to play the piano. ' He said.

' Don't worry, I'll teach you. ' Then I sat down to play the piano. And I started teaching him how to make a sound when you press a switch. This time I told him to press the switches. As soon as he pressed the switch, he splashed from there. I was surprised became it doesn't happen when I play the piano and this has never happened to my mom . Then I helped him get up.

' Are you fine? ' I asked.

' Yeah! I am fine. '

Then I put him in the chair. I saw his hand was burnt.

' Oh! my God, I'm bringing a fast aid box right now. '

Then I bandaged his hand.

' I'm sorry, ' I said.

' Don't blame yourself. I don't know how it happened. '

I have to go home now. Bye!

' Ok bye see you tomorrow. '

' Bye! '

' I love you, Aryan. '

' I love you too, Julie. '

After he left I touched the piano but nothing like that happened to me. 

But why did it happen to him?

After a while I see my mom and dad came and they are both arguing. My mom came and told me ' Where Aryan is ? '

' Gone right away. ' 

Why are you arguing? ' I said. 

' I will not accept this relationship in any way. ' My dad told me. 

I said, ' Why? '

' He has no exact address. How can I accept this? ' Dad said. 

Then mom was going to say something but dad silenced her. And he said : 

' I will fix my daughter's future. '  Saying this, he went outside. 

Mom sat down in the chair and said : 

' Don't worry, I will explain to your dad. '

Then she put his head on the piano and slept for a while. I noticed it that nothing like Aryan happened to my mom. Then I went to my room and sat down with books because tomorrow is my test. 


                        𝗖𝗛𝗔đ—Ŗ𝗧𝗘đ—Ĩ - 𝟱          

It's nine o'clock. At this time I play the piano every day but I didn't play today. I'm not in a good mood today because I think dad didn't like the way he treated Ariane. So he left without saying anything. Tomorrow is the last day of school. So there is the farewell ceremony. Anyway I fell asleep somehow.

Today I went out after breakfast early. But I didn't go to school today I entered the forest to meet him. Afraid if some scary creatures came. Like that day, I heard what again. Now I started running without looking back. I see a very big palace ahead. Then I entered there. I was surprised to see the inside. I have never seen such a beautiful palace in my life. There are the stairs split in two at the top and went in two direction. A beautiful chandelier hangs from the ceiling above the balcony. Then I went up the stairs and saw many rooms above. Then I started looking at the room one by one. In the second room, I saw different types of chemicals kept in different glass containers. The floor of this room has a square figure and a star is painted in the middle. I think that I saw a picture like this somewhere but I can't remember exactly. Then someone put his hand on my neck and I was startled. 

' I am Aryan. ' He said. 

' Oh! I was scared '. Said to him.

What are you doing here? come on, let me show you something. ' He said. 

Then he quickly closed my eyes and took me to a place. He removed his hand from my eyes and I opened my eyes. 

 ' I can't believe this. How is this possible? ' I said. 

There is a statue of me on a high place in front and it is very beautiful. The statue has a crown of flowers on its head, sword in hand, long hair and many fountains around the statue. 

' Aryan, I have never seen such a thing. I love you so much. ' 

Then I looked back and there was no one there. I looked for him a lot but couldn't find anywhere. I again looked at all the rooms one by one but could not find him. I started shouting his name. 

' Aryan, my love, are you playing hide and seek with me? Don't bother me like this? Come forward. '

But no answer was received. Frustrated, I went down the stairs. It can't be my hallucinations. I went there and saw Aryan and talked to someone. Then suddenly he disappeared. 

How does this happen ? 

Anyway I will go again tomorrow and I will ask him. Then I will scold a lot why you left me alone like this.

 It is ten o'clock at night. Despite many efforts, sleep does not came. I can't sleep with this eagerness to meet him. I doesn't feel like it anymore, it goes down better than lying in bed like this. I came down and sat down to play the piano. I opened the lid and found a paper inside. A music formula was written on it. Then I started practicing that formula but couldn't figure out the real music. Still I kept trying. Finally I failed and came room. 


                          𝗖𝗛𝗔đ—Ŗ𝗧𝗘đ—Ĩ - 𝟲

' Julie, get up. Will be admitted to college today. '

' Mom, I don't feel well today. '

 ' Why? ' - She said. 

' Oh God! You have a fever. Ok, another day will be admitted. Relax today. '

After few rest, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. 

' Honey! You are awake . Take breakfast and medicine quickly. ' Mom said to me. 

But someone called me in the behind. 

' Julie! Today is the first day of college. Get ready soon. ' Said - Tina ( My friend).

' Yeah! I will go. ' 

 And I thought I would visit him when I came home from college.

' Mom! I am going to college. ' 

' But you have a fever. ' She said. 

' I'm fine now. I really need to go to college, maybe I can get admission today and not tomorrow. ' I said to mom. 

' All right. And don't eat outside non-veg food. ' 

' Ok mom, bye. '

' KJ somaiya college of arts and commerce I think it is the best college of mumbai. ' Tina said. 

Maybe but all the colleges here are good. 

Then we entered the college but there was a lot of crowd outside the office room. So we decided to visit the whole college now and will admit later. It is five floors and this college has almost everything . There is a room on the second floor where all kinds of games are played. Then suddenly I bumped into a stranger. He was wearing a black coat and sunglasses.

' I am sorry. ' I said to him. 

' It's ok. '

After taking admission we entered the classroom. 

Then principal sir came into the classroom and said to us - ' We have a new chief guest in our college and he would like to address you. He studied in America and donated a lot to our college.

' Hi! I am Zayan Malik. I am going to tell you some useful information about studies. '

' Oh! This is the stranger I bumped into earlier. ' I said. 

' Oh my god! he is so handsome and cute. ' shreya said. 

But I am not interested with him because I was still thinking about Aryan. 

' Excuse me ! can't you hear me calling you since? '

' I am sorry sir. ' 

' What is your goal in life? ' The stranger asked to me. 

' I am not sure. ' I said to him. 

I thought I was going to meet Ariana but that didn't happen because my dad came to pick me up.

' Julie! My daughter, Let me take you to a better place today. '

Why? Where are you taking me?

' We are going to the boss's house to meet his son. ' He said. 

' But I don't want to go. '

' Keep quiet, I'm doing it for your own good. ' 

After coming to their house, father's boss welcomed us. 

' Hello! uncle and aunty. '

' Hello Julie, you are looking so beautiful. Let's come. ' aunty said. 

Then we went to the table and sat down. 

' Your house so beautiful and gorgeous. ' dad said. 

' Thank you so much. Please wait my son will come soon. He went out for an errand. My son is very hardworking. '

' That's why I like your son so much. ' Dad said. 

Then someone entered the house and said - ' mom please give me some food. I am very hungry. '

' I think my son has come. ' aunty said. 

' This is my son Zayan. ' 

I was surprised to see him because he was the stranger I met in college.

' Hello uncle! but I didn't recognise you. ' he said. 

' Zayan! This is Julie's father with whom I arranged your marriage and this is his daughter, Julie. ' His father said. 

He looked at me and smiled But I am very angry with him because I don't like him at all.

' Zayan! Sit here. ' Daid said.

' Thank you, Uncle. '

Oh God I'm so angry. Dad treats him as if he is his own son.

' Dad, go home. ' I whispered.

' Shut up, don't piss me off. Dad whispered me. 

' Ok, See you later. ' Dad said them. 

 ' Bye uncle. ' Zayan said. 


I want to go to Aryan now. I don't like it anymore. And Zayan is calling me again and again and I feel annoyed. However, after sitting on the roof for a while, I felt better. I have to go to college again tomorrow. I don't like going to college tomorrow.

It is ten o'clock in the morning.

' Mom, you tell dad to cancel this wedding. '

' Your father will not accept it at all. And Zayan is a good man. He will take care of you. '

' Mom! You started talking like that too. ' 

I left there angry. But suddenly I see Zayan in front of me. 

' Hi! You are going to college soon. I am also going to college, come with me. There is a work in that college. '

' Yes, why are you telling me these things? ' I said. 

' Now we are couple so I'm telling you everything. ' Zayan said. 

' We are not married yet. By the way, I will go to college alone, you don't have to worry. ' I said to him with anger. 

' Julie I'm sorry. But Why are you talking angrily to me? '

' Because I don't like you. And I don't know you well. '

' I understand your feelings but I will try to make you like me. Well I won't force you, you can go alone. '

' Then he left. He should not have been treated like that anyway. He is really good. '

' I think you like him. ' Someone said from the behind. 

I looked back and was surprised. He was standing sadly. 

' No! Aryan. It's not true. I love only one that is you. I am explaining everything to you. '

' I know everything. Your family has arranged your marriage with him. ' He said. 

' How do you know this ? You were following me. ' 

' Because of your protection. And you stay away from Zayan. He is not trusted. If he misbehaves with you, I will not leave him. And I don't want to lose you because I love you so much. ' Zayan said.

' I love you too Aryan. ' 

' Okay, now you go or you'll be late for class. '

' Ok bye! But you must come to visit this evening. ' I said. 

Then he kissed on my forehead and flew away. 



                         đ—–đ—›đ—”đ—Ŗ𝗧𝗘đ—Ĩ - đŸŗ

A new chapter begins today. Ramakrishna sir had his class. Today we are talking about the romantic period.

Sir asked us a question '' What is lost in life '' ?

I replied - ' If the one I love the most goes away from me, it is called lost. '


' Not at all but It is not just about one person or only person. lost means who lost everything in his life. ' Sir said to us. 

I came home after the class. I was a little shocked when I came home. There are many people in the house and it seems like a party is going on. I entered inside. 

' This is my daughter Julie. Today I announced the engagement of Julie and Zayan. And the engagement will be today. ' Dad announced this to Mike . 

I was surprised to hear this and I can't engaged to another man because I love Aryan. Everyone is too busy partying. I thought to run away immediately but it would not be right to do so.

' Mom, I want to tell you something. Come here. ' 

 ' I'll be there in a minute. Yes, say what you mean. ' Mom said. 

' Mom! I can't marry Zayan. '

' But, why ? He is a good man. ' Mom said to me. 

' I know but I love Aryan. '

' Oh My God! Your dad will be very angry if he hears this. And your father will never accept it. Go get ready. ' 

After hearing this I was completely broken that I had no more hope . 

' Oh! Hi! You are not ready yet, I have bought you a new dress. It is kept at room , go and wear it. '

' I will not marry you. ' I told with anger. 

' But why? ' He asked. 

' Because I love someone else. '

' But I love you so much. I fell in love with you when I first saw you in college. I will take good care of you if you just give me one chance. ' Zayan said to me with pity. 

' No! I can't love you. You once asked me that '' what is the goal in your future? ''

My goal in life is to marry Aryan. ' 

After saying this I left and came out of the house . 

I went back to the palace through the forest. 

Today everything has changed. There are many people in the palace, everyone is busy decorating the whole palace. As soon as I entered the palace, ten or fifteen girls entertained me and took me to a room. I didn't understand anything. Then they started dressing me. I asked a girl-

' Why are you doing all this ? ' 

' Today is your wedding. ' She said. 

I am happy to think that today is wedding to Aryan. Then I asked again. 

' Where Aryan is now ? '

But they left without saying anything. 


After a while I went out. And everyone is throwing flowers at me. Ahead, Aryan is standing in a wedding dress and her face is covered. Then a maid come with a dish in which two rings were kept. But I had my doubts. Then just as he was about to make me wear the ring I removed his mask. How do I interpret what I saw? Aryan was not there. Instead there was an old man. I asked him - 

' Where is Aryan? What are you doing here? You must have done something with Aryan. '

Hearing this he laughed and said ' Aryan! do you think he loves you ? ' Again he laughed.' 

' These were all my games. He was playing with you for so long. I told him to do everything. ' He said to me. ' 

' You are telling all these lies, it can never happen. Aryan loves me so much. ' I said to him. 

After some time I saw Aryan and ran to him. And I said to him, ' Where have you been all this time ? And what lies this old man is telling? Tell me Aryan, why you are silent ? '

But no reply was received from him. He was standing silently. As if someone had subdued him. Then he looked at me and grabbed my hand from his chest and pushed me back. I have been playing with you for so long. Everything the Lord says is true. He laughed. 

Then he bowed at the old man's feet. I couldn't believe that I had been betrayed so much. My father father was right. Then I tried to escape from there but I failed. All the maids of this palace and Aryan arrested me . He was holding my hand. I forced my hand away and gave him a slap. 

' I will marry you today. ' said the old devil. 

' It can never happen, I will never marry you. '

Then I snatched away the magic stick that the old devil was holding. 

Hey! give me the stick, quickly. The old devil said with afraid. 

I realized there must be something in this stick and broke it. Then lot of black colored smoke was generated from there. Someone took my hand in the darkness and took me somewhere. I open my eyes and see Aryan . 

He said, ' I will tell you everything. Now escape from here. ' 

Then he carried me on his back to the high mountain where I first told him my heart.


                         đ—–đ—›đ—”đ—Ŗ𝗧𝗘đ—Ĩ - 𝟴

After landing the hill we both sat on a rock. Then he looked at me and said, 

' I am really sorry for mistreating you a while ago. '

' You don't need to apologize. I know you didn't do it on your own. The old devil subdued you. Now tell me why you didn't tell me everything. ' I said to him. 

Then he looked up at the sky and began to say everything.

' You see those two stars, one is my father and the other is my mother. That evil old man killed them and took the palace. This palace was ours. This happened when I was a child. 

A long time ago when I was six years old, our palace was as beautiful from the outside as it was from the inside. My father and mother were the king and queen of his palace and I was the prince. My mother could play the piano like you. But that piano was the magic that you now have in your home. One day on my 7th birthday mom and dad organized a party in the palace and invited everyone. All the people of this village, even the birds were invited because those birds were my closest friends since childhood. The party was going on and everyone was cheering and dancing. Then an old man came and started hitting everyone with one of his magic stick. Some people died. Then my mom and dad locked me in a room but I could see everything through the window. My mother was busy saving people. And at that moment the old devil killed my father. And father said only one thing before he died " save this world ".

Then mom rushed me out of the palace and took me to a tent in the forest. In the tent was a man named "Julius Mondal ". '


' That's my grandfather's name. He named me Julie after his . ' I said to Aryan.

' Yes! you are right that man is your grandfather. He was asked by my mother for help and he gave her a piece of paper and it had a music formula written on it.  

'' Whoever can find the source of original music can kill the deil old man. And this music will play only on that piano not on any other piano. '' The man said.

' Wait a minute! The paper you mentioned, is now in our house. ' I said.

' So it is good. You try to extract the original music from it. My mother couldn't do that. After leaving the tent, mom took me to the place again. By then all the people and birds were dead. But the old devil was not there. Then mom sat at the piano and strated playing music. And after ten seconds the music would have played but immediately the old man came and killed my mother. Then he was going to kill me out your grandfather came and save. Then your grandfather took me and piano to his house. After entering the house, he quickly closed the door. You were kid then. I saw that you sleeping in the swing. After placing the piano and me in your house, he left the house. And I also followed your grandfather because I couldn't leave the man who saved me alone. But your grandfather doesn't know that I followed him. He went to the tent then started to make some discoveries. But immediately the old devil came there and completely the destroyed his tent. I immediately went to him in fear but the devil old man killed him too. Then he tried to kill me but couldn't and he turned me into a bird. That bird is half man and half bird. '

After telling the story he hugged me and we spent the whole night together.


                          𝗖𝗛𝗔đ—Ŗ𝗧𝗘đ—Ĩ- đŸĩ

I didn't understand how the whole night passed while we talking. After waking up and not seeing Aryan next to me, I was very worried. But after a while, my tension disappeared. Actually he went to get some food for me. 

 ' I didn't get anything special like that so I brought these fruits for you. ' He said. 

Then I ate a fruit and said:

' But it is very tasty. Take this and eat it too. '

' Really it is very tasty. '

' Julie! We have to complete our work very soon. '

' Yes! you are right. ' 

After coming home, I first sat down to play the piano to get the music out. If it was a little late, I would not have been able to come here. Luckily we left the mountain early in the morning. But Aryan went back to the palace to stop the devil old man. Anyway, I finally got the original music out. As I played the music, a weapon come out of the piano. It had a picture of star on the handle. I took this weapon and went out to the palace to kill the devil old man. I went there and saw Aryan tied with an invisible rope. I immediately struck the devil old man with my weapon. But he didn't die. Then I hit his chest but he didn't die. Suddenly the old devil snatched the weapon from my hand. Then he hit me but Arian took it upon himself. And Aryan fell from the roof of the palace. The old devil laughed and said-

'Now you have no choice but to marry me. Whoever falls from this roof is never found. The tiger-bear of the forest below will tear your lover apart and eat him. He smiled again. '

I was so frustrated that I wanted to jump out of here. But this world has to be saved from Satan so I could not do it. Then I noticed a star mark on his forehead. I immediately snatched the weapon from his hand and hit him on the forehead. But nothing happened to him. I didn't understand anything. Then I noticed the piano which was the reason for all this. I quickly got out of there and he was also following me. After coming home I sat down at the piano and started playing that song. By that time the old devil appeared. But he was suffering from the sound of this song. And then I hit him on the forehead with the weapon and he died on the spot. After his death his soul was trapped in the piano. And the weapon in my hand disappeared.


                        𝗖𝗛𝗔đ—Ŗ𝗧𝗘đ—Ĩ- 𝟭đŸŦ

That day was the worst day of my life. I lost all my close people that day. Even after 7 years today I have not forgotten anything. 

' But where are your parents? ' Akash said to me. 

Even after everything was over that day, I still had some hope. I immediately went room after killing devil but found my parents and younger brother lying dead down. I brust into tears and was going to kill myself but I still had one thing. That was in my womb, the last trace of Ariane. And now I live for her. 

' Thank you very much, Akash. My daughter and I live in a better place for you. When I first came to paris, you gave me room to stay. ' 

' Hey! Why are you talking like this, I am your childhood friend. ' He said. 

' Ok. Now I go, it's four o'clock. Sarah has to be picked up from school. ' I said. 

The school bell is ringing. All the students are running and they are going to their own mother. My eyes were only looking for Sarah. then I see that Sarah is holding a boy's hand and coming to talk. He is none other than Akash's only son, Jimin.

' What matters today! You didn't come to me, you forgot me when you got Jimin. ' I said to my daughter.

' No! mom, I was discussing with him about the project. ' She said. 

' Yes, come on, no more excuses. '

' Julie, come to my car. ' Akash said. 

' Why did you leave the office and come here? ' I said. 

'No, I thought I'd take a walk around the park before heading home today. ' He said. 

' All right. Let's go. '

We all went to the famous park ''Jardin Des Plantes '' in Paris. We had a lot of fun there. We saw different kinds of flowers. After leaving the park Akash tried to convince me about something but I did not agree. 

'Julie, you try to understand. Sarah will be very talented if she is sent abroad to study. Why are you thinking? Jimin will be there too. He will take care of her. ' Akash told me.

' No! I mean I can't keep Sarah away from me because she is my only one daughter. ' I said very politely. 

Why don't you consider me yours? I mean as a friend. After the death of my wife, I have no one but Jimin. He said. 

' Why are you saying this, I am on your side. ' I said. 

Finally I agree because I want my daughter to have a good future. 

' Where is it better to enroll? ' I asked. 

' I am thinking of music school in London. '

His answer surprised me. 

' No! I will not send Sarah to music school. I will keep her away from music as much as possible. '

' Why? Sarah loves music and can sing well. ' He said. 

' I know but I don't want anything to happen to her like it happened to me. ' I said.

' Nothing will happen. We are not in India now, we are in Paris, far away. '

'Okay. So do it, if Sarah likes music I don't want to stop her '

today is sunday 9 a.m on the clock. We are standing at the airport. Sarah will be away from me almost 10 years from today.


                        𝗖𝗛𝗔đ—Ŗ𝗧𝗘đ—Ĩ- 𝟭𝟭

It is the year 2022. Sarah will be much older now. I haven't seen him for a long time. I will see today, so the mind becomes anxious. Akash and I are waiting for them at the airport. It is now 9 o'clock in the morning. The flight is landed. Everyone is getting off the flight. One of them is running towards me saying 'Mom '. It's none other than Sarah, my daughter.

' Mom! how are you ? Have I missed you a lot?

Uncle, how are you? ' said Sarah.

' Yes! i am fine you have grown up Where is Jimin? ' Akash said.

' Uncle, Jimin is bringing the heavy bag. '

Oh! Dad how are you Oh! Aunt Julie' Jimin said.

'Hello! how are you jimin ' I said.

' I'm fine. '

Jimin has grown up to be very handsome. I think Sarah and Jimin like each other. This is evident from their behavior.

'Let's go home. There's a party for you. ' Akash told us.

Sarah and Julie arrived today so Akash organized a party. He used to pay all the expenses of the party. I am very grateful to him. Many people came to that party. But Sarah is getting ready now.

'Oh God! Sarah, you look so beautiful and your dress is so beautiful. ' I said.

' Whoah! Is it so? Thank you very much. ' she told me.

Go dance with Jimin. ' I said.

'Okay mom. Mom, love you. '

Hey! Julie, you look beautiful today too. Will you dance with me? ' Akash told me.

At first I did not agree but later I agreed to his request. After a while Akash asked everyone to stop dancing.

' Ladies and gentlemen, I have a surprise for you. Sarah and Jimin will sing a song today. '

Everyone clapped and said ''great ''. Then Sarah played the music and Jimin sang. They both sang beautiful song. 

They are now 17 years old. Today they are admitted to a famous music college in Paris. From here they will complete their gradation. 

I went to office today as usual and this work has made me find Akash. We live in the same flat. Me and Sarah live downstairs and Akash and Jimin live upstairs. 

' Hey! Honey, How was college today? '

' Mom, I will tell you everything later. Now let me eat. I am so hungry. ' 

' Ok. I am bring food right away. ' I said. 

' Love you mom. '

' Mom, teacher said that they will take us on tour from college. ' 

' Wow! where to go? ' I said very excitedly. 

' India. ' She said. 

Her answer surprised me.

' No! I will never let to go you. ' I said. 

' Mom, Jimin will go too. 

Why are you forbidding? 'She asked. 

' Listen to what I'm saying. You won't go. '

I scolded her a bit too much so she didn't have dinner today. But I will never let her go in the past. 

The alarm is sounding. I closed it and went to Sarah's room to wake her up. I see that she is not in the room and there is a letter on the bed. Open it and see : 

' Mom, I am sorry but I need to go on tour. I have an assignment on that. Don't worry, I have Jimin with me to take care of me. Love you mom. Bye! '



                         đ—–đ—›đ—”đ—Ŗ𝗧𝗘đ—Ĩ- 𝟭𝟮


' Hey! girl, we will land in India a little later. You know there are many beautiful things to see in India. Such as Hazarduari, Victoria Memorial, Taj Mahal, Jagannath Temple, India Gate etc. We will look everywhere. ' Said Sarah. 

' Sarah, give me your bags. You can't carry such a heavy bag. A good hotel has been booked for all of us. Let's follow the teachers. ' Jimin said. 

' Wow! this is beautiful place, Sarah! It seems very old. Come inside. ' Someone said. 

' Yes. ' 

' Wow! It seems very old. The front fountain is old but beautiful. ' Sarah said. 

' Oh my God! Sarah, a piano is kept here. '

Really! OMG. It's amazing. I will play it. Said Sarah. 

There was lot of dust on the piano. Them they cleaned it. Then as Sarah touched the piano's Swich, the old devil came out from there but they called the horror of the past again. The old devil started beating everyone again. All the teachers and student there started running. 

' Run away Jimin. ' Said Sarah. 

' Oh my God! Let's get out of here Sarah. '

Then they both closed the door and entered a house. 

' This is a safe place. He Can't enter here. '

' Jimin, Look, inside this piano is a piece of paper with a formula of music written on it. ' She said to Jimin. 

I think that the old devil and the music formula, they are both connected. Maybe the devil will die to the tune of this song. 

' Yes, you are right. '

Then Sarah started playing the piano but by that time the old devil had reached there hearing the sound of the piano. Jimin and the old devil fought for a while. Jimin is unable to defeat him at all and instead hits him on the head knocking him unconscious. Then as the old devil is about to beat Sarah, his mother means I stopped him. 

' You can't touch my daughter because you remember '' who I am? '' I locked you in this piano. ' I said but he laughed and said : 

' No matter how much you imprisoned me, Someone will give me freedom. What your daughter did today unknowingly. If you want to kill me forever then you have to die too. It's the only way, but you don't don't it anyway. ' The devil said. 

' I have to die to kill you, I am willing to kill myself. ' I said. 

Then I sat down to play the piano because it was the only tune I could make out. 

At that time Akash also appeared. And he is trying to stop the old devil. And I'm trying to play the music. 

' Jimin, get up. Save your father. ' Said Sarah. 

' Help! Please help. ' Akash said. 

' Dad, nothing will happen to you. I am here. 

' Hey! old man fight with me and leave my dad. ' said Jimin. 

' You called me old. ' The old devil said with anger. 

' Come here old man, catch me. ' Jimin said. 

' You can't run away from me. ' devil said and laughed. 

' Mom! ' Sarah shouted. 

' Now you come to me. I have your lover . ' The devil said. 

' Hey You! leave her, what do you want with me. ' Jimin said. 

' Ok I will leave her on one condition. ' Devil said. 

' What conditions? '

' You have to give me the weapon that comes out of that piano. ' The old devil said. 

' Ok. ' Jimin said. 

Finally the weapon came out. But I see the devil catch my daughter. I hurried to him. And struck him with the weapon of his body. But nothing was happening to him. Then Sarah started playing that music. He is feeling pain for this music. Then I hit him on the forehead with this weapon and he died. After he died, he is again confined to the piano. Then I inserted that weapon into my stomach. 

' Mom! ' Sarah said in surprised. 

' Mom, What did you do it? '

' I must die for you. ' I said. 

Please don't talk like that, Aunt Julie. ' Jimin said. 

' I am calling an ambulance car immediately. ' Akash said. 

' No! you won't. Try to understand. ' I said. 

' Mom, I can't live without you. ' 

' Sarah! Marry Jimin and live happily ever after. Jimin, you promise me that you will take care of my daughter. ' I said. 

' I promise that I will take good care of your daughter.' Jimin said. 

' This is my last with that you all be happy. '

After saying this I died and the piano was destroyed with me. 

These were all dreams of Julie, now she is a 16-year-old little girl. 

' Julie wake up, how sleepy are you? ' Her mom said

She woke up suddenly and hugged her mother. Sweat started pouring down her body. 

' What happened julie why are you crying? '

' Mom I had a very bad dream. ' Julie said. 

' Nothing will happen, it was just a dream. Come down and eat . ' Her mom said. 

Then she washed her hands and came downstairs and noticed that the bird was still in the basket. But It is just an ordinary bird.

' Mom! I will go to school today. '

' Well, I have packed your tiffin, take it. ' 

' Ok mom. ' 

She is walking on the road on her way to school and only thinking about the dream. On reaching school, the first thing she sees is Aakash playing basketball.Akash sees Julie and comes to her and says: 

' Hi! Julie, I have something important to say to you. '

He knelt on the ground and took a rose from his pocket. 

' Julie, I love you. ' Akash said to her. 

Julie took the rose and told him:

' I took the rose as your memory but I can't accept it. I want our relationship to be friendship. I am sorry. '

After saying this she went to her class. Because she doesn't want to lose anyone else. 




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