On the sky - Anjali Denandee || English poem || poem || Poetry

 On the sky

Anjali Denandee

On the sky,

There is a bit of moon.

Two bats fly...

From my balcony

I enjoy the beauty at night.

In my right hand,

Here is a silver spoon.

In my left hand,

Here is a bowl.

In it, pop corns with honey.

I am in joy of taste.

On the sky,

The stars light,

Wow, so beautiful!

In my soul,

I feel that my look is the creation-nest.

The sky,

It is too cool.

At night,

The moon, stars pull me, pull and pull.

My imagination reaches to the sky.

There it creates the imaginary poetry.

Which is just like the nectar-tree.

From which, nectar-fruits,

Come down on the earth,

On imaginary routes.

And here take birth,

Countless immortal lives,

From those fruits,

When these touch th

e Earth.

For ever they are alives.


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