Composition || BLIND DATE || Kunal Roy



Love, being one of the finest emotions in the world is manifested through some modern concepts of date, courtship, engagement and often a blind date. In fact we, all are pretty aware of the first three expressions, but the last one carries a special ripple of interest and curiosity as well! " Blind date", the term itself evokes a question:' How can a date be blind?' No, actually here there is nothing to do with the blindness, but yes the date matters to the young hearts which often skip a beat at the sight of the opposite gender! Actually a blind date is being arranged by someone between a boy and a girl, without any prior planning or arrangement as such. Simply the two hearts meet at an affordable zone, accompanied by light humour, soft teasing and a few snacks to tease the taste buds. Blind dates are very interesting by nature. One doesn't know the other, yet the madness rules the heart to meet that person and often with the hope of blossoming this first date and eventually, if possible into a steady current of relationship! Moreover at this very hour, blind date has become very popular among the youngsters and this very factor has encouraged even the media to give it a hype! I simply don't know how long this concept will survive? The reason is obvious. It is not easy to love anyone, to sacrifice everything at the altar of love. Thus mere gratification of the visual lust turns out to be a pointless exercise in the long run!! Any explanation?     


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