They met once upon a time,

Amid a green lush field,

The eyes exchanged their language,

The seeds of love were sowed -

On the fallow land!

An unwonted love,

An affair deprived -

Of the natural flavour!

The sapling transformed into a tree,

Draped up in green foliages!

Closeness spoke -

Intimacy matured!

Content reached the tip!

A bond illicit -

Before the social milieu!

Love never,

Chooses the gender,

Indulges in abstract emotive vibes!

More than friend,

They were.

Embraced in the wee hours -

Of the morning!

Of the molten evening,

Of the dark hours of the night.

Little did they know,

Opacity was about to engulf them,

An avenge was sought,

A motiveless malignance,

Cropped up to ignorance!

A killer instinct worked,

The blood played a game of choice,

The palms stained with red fluid,

The lifeless structures,

Laid on the marble floor.

A cost was counted,

Severe than anything!

Generated a lesson -

Norms to be spotted,

Framed -

Spread its tentacles,

Into the very soul,

Love resides,

Hatred mounts,

Justice denied!!


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